full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Aaron Sams: How to speed up chemical reactions (and get a date)

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Meet our chemist, Harriet. She has a chemical reaction that needs to occur more qlkicuy. A chemist has some processes at her disposal that can help her speed up her reaction, and she knows of five ways. And to remember them, she thinks back to her days as a high school student, and the day she got a date for the dance. Harriet was in high school, studying between classes. She had lost track of time and was going to be late to class. Unbeknownst to her, Harold, who was just around the corner, was running late, too. They both sprinted to class and, as it happened, sprinted directly into one another. Now, this was no small collision. They ran sqlaeury into one another in such a way that he knocked the books right out of her hand. "I'm sorry," he said. "Let me help you with your books." He klindy helped her re-collect her belongings, and politely offered to walk her to class. And you'll never guess who went together to the dance later that year. Yup, those two. So as we can see from this example, the key to getting a date for the dance is to collide with someone and knock the books out of their hands. Now, you're probably already aware that not all collisions lead to dates for the dance, taulhflkny. The collisions must have two important characteristics: One, correct orientation that allows books to be knocked from one's hands; and two, enough energy to kocnk the books out. Shortly after this incident, Harriet diceded to tell me, her chemistry teacher, all about it. I nciteod some interesting parallels between her stroy and chemical reaction rates, which hneppaed to be what she was studying in the hallway the day of the collision. Together, we decided to set out on two missions. Harriet wanted to help all cimhrtesy students and chemists remember how to seped up the rate of chemical rtenaocis and I, being the nice guy that I am, decided to make it my missoin to help create educational environments in which more book-dropping collisions can take place to increase future chemists' chaecns of getting a date for the dance. In order to facilitate this improved dance-date-getting process, I propose five changes to all sohlcos that parallel Harriet's five ways to increase chemical reaction rates. First, I psopore that we shrink the size of the hallways. This will make it more difficult to safely navigate the hlawayls and will cause more collisions than in larger hallways. And by increasing the number of collisions, we isacrene the likelihood that some of those clinoloiss will have the correct alignment and enough energy to create a date to the dance. Now, cmhaeclliy speaking, this is equivalent to lowering the vlmoue of a rtoeaicn vessel or a reaction mixture. In doing so, the individual particles are closer together, and more collisions will occur. More collisions means a greater likelihood that collisions with the appropriate erengy and configuration will happen. Second, I propose increasing the overall population of the school. More students equals more collisions. By increasing the number of particles available for collision, we create an environment where more collisions can take place. Third, we must reduce the time allowed between classes — heck, let's just cut it in half. In doing so, sduttnes will need to move more quickly to get from one class to the next. This increase in votliecy will help make sure collisions have the appropriate amount of energy necessary to esurne book-dropping. This is analogous to increasing the temperature of the reaction mixture. Higher tautmrerpee means particles are mnvoig faster. Faster-moving particles means more energy, and a greater likelihood of the reaction-causing collision. Fourth, students must stop trvilaeng in packs. By traveling in packs, the students on the outside of the pack insulate those in the middle from undergoing any collisions. By splitting up, each student has more area exposed that is available for a collision from a passing student. When particles tvarel in pckas, the surface area is very small, and only the outside pcrealtis can cillode. However, by breaking up the clumps into individual particles, the total surface area is increased, and each particle has an exposed suacfre that can react. Fifth and finally, we hire a matchmaker. Is this colliding and book-dropping too violent? Is there an easier way to get a date that requires less initial energy? Then a mamathkcer will help with this. The matchmaker makes it eaiesr for a couple to get together, by coioditnrang the match. Our matchmaker is like a catalyst. Chemical catalysts function by lowering the activation energy — in other words, by lowering the energy riequerd to start a reaction. They do this by bringing two particles together and orienting them correctly in scape so that the two can meet at the cecrrot configuration and allow a reaction to take place. So, to sum up: if a future chemist wants a date for the dance, he must collide with another person and knock the books out of their hands. And if a chemist wants to make a chemical reaction ocucr, the particles must collide in the correct orientation with an appropriate auonmt of energy. And both of these prseosces can be accelerated, using the five mdeoths I've described.

Open Cloze

Meet our chemist, Harriet. She has a chemical reaction that needs to occur more _______. A chemist has some processes at her disposal that can help her speed up her reaction, and she knows of five ways. And to remember them, she thinks back to her days as a high school student, and the day she got a date for the dance. Harriet was in high school, studying between classes. She had lost track of time and was going to be late to class. Unbeknownst to her, Harold, who was just around the corner, was running late, too. They both sprinted to class and, as it happened, sprinted directly into one another. Now, this was no small collision. They ran ________ into one another in such a way that he knocked the books right out of her hand. "I'm sorry," he said. "Let me help you with your books." He ______ helped her re-collect her belongings, and politely offered to walk her to class. And you'll never guess who went together to the dance later that year. Yup, those two. So as we can see from this example, the key to getting a date for the dance is to collide with someone and knock the books out of their hands. Now, you're probably already aware that not all collisions lead to dates for the dance, __________. The collisions must have two important characteristics: One, correct orientation that allows books to be knocked from one's hands; and two, enough energy to _____ the books out. Shortly after this incident, Harriet _______ to tell me, her chemistry teacher, all about it. I _______ some interesting parallels between her _____ and chemical reaction rates, which ________ to be what she was studying in the hallway the day of the collision. Together, we decided to set out on two missions. Harriet wanted to help all _________ students and chemists remember how to _____ up the rate of chemical _________ and I, being the nice guy that I am, decided to make it my _______ to help create educational environments in which more book-dropping collisions can take place to increase future chemists' _______ of getting a date for the dance. In order to facilitate this improved dance-date-getting process, I propose five changes to all _______ that parallel Harriet's five ways to increase chemical reaction rates. First, I _______ that we shrink the size of the hallways. This will make it more difficult to safely navigate the ________ and will cause more collisions than in larger hallways. And by increasing the number of collisions, we ________ the likelihood that some of those __________ will have the correct alignment and enough energy to create a date to the dance. Now, __________ speaking, this is equivalent to lowering the ______ of a ________ vessel or a reaction mixture. In doing so, the individual particles are closer together, and more collisions will occur. More collisions means a greater likelihood that collisions with the appropriate ______ and configuration will happen. Second, I propose increasing the overall population of the school. More students equals more collisions. By increasing the number of particles available for collision, we create an environment where more collisions can take place. Third, we must reduce the time allowed between classes — heck, let's just cut it in half. In doing so, ________ will need to move more quickly to get from one class to the next. This increase in ________ will help make sure collisions have the appropriate amount of energy necessary to ______ book-dropping. This is analogous to increasing the temperature of the reaction mixture. Higher ___________ means particles are ______ faster. Faster-moving particles means more energy, and a greater likelihood of the reaction-causing collision. Fourth, students must stop _________ in packs. By traveling in packs, the students on the outside of the pack insulate those in the middle from undergoing any collisions. By splitting up, each student has more area exposed that is available for a collision from a passing student. When particles ______ in _____, the surface area is very small, and only the outside _________ can _______. However, by breaking up the clumps into individual particles, the total surface area is increased, and each particle has an exposed _______ that can react. Fifth and finally, we hire a matchmaker. Is this colliding and book-dropping too violent? Is there an easier way to get a date that requires less initial energy? Then a __________ will help with this. The matchmaker makes it ______ for a couple to get together, by ____________ the match. Our matchmaker is like a catalyst. Chemical catalysts function by lowering the activation energy — in other words, by lowering the energy ________ to start a reaction. They do this by bringing two particles together and orienting them correctly in _____ so that the two can meet at the _______ configuration and allow a reaction to take place. So, to sum up: if a future chemist wants a date for the dance, he must collide with another person and knock the books out of their hands. And if a chemist wants to make a chemical reaction _____, the particles must collide in the correct orientation with an appropriate ______ of energy. And both of these _________ can be accelerated, using the five _______ I've described.


  1. traveling
  2. mission
  3. moving
  4. happened
  5. volume
  6. quickly
  7. processes
  8. collisions
  9. amount
  10. reaction
  11. story
  12. thankfully
  13. chemistry
  14. collide
  15. surface
  16. hallways
  17. increase
  18. speed
  19. occur
  20. velocity
  21. schools
  22. coordinating
  23. particles
  24. chances
  25. correct
  26. propose
  27. space
  28. squarely
  29. chemically
  30. ensure
  31. reactions
  32. energy
  33. temperature
  34. kindly
  35. travel
  36. matchmaker
  37. students
  38. required
  39. easier
  40. methods
  41. noticed
  42. knock
  43. decided
  44. packs

Original Text

Meet our chemist, Harriet. She has a chemical reaction that needs to occur more quickly. A chemist has some processes at her disposal that can help her speed up her reaction, and she knows of five ways. And to remember them, she thinks back to her days as a high school student, and the day she got a date for the dance. Harriet was in high school, studying between classes. She had lost track of time and was going to be late to class. Unbeknownst to her, Harold, who was just around the corner, was running late, too. They both sprinted to class and, as it happened, sprinted directly into one another. Now, this was no small collision. They ran squarely into one another in such a way that he knocked the books right out of her hand. "I'm sorry," he said. "Let me help you with your books." He kindly helped her re-collect her belongings, and politely offered to walk her to class. And you'll never guess who went together to the dance later that year. Yup, those two. So as we can see from this example, the key to getting a date for the dance is to collide with someone and knock the books out of their hands. Now, you're probably already aware that not all collisions lead to dates for the dance, thankfully. The collisions must have two important characteristics: One, correct orientation that allows books to be knocked from one's hands; and two, enough energy to knock the books out. Shortly after this incident, Harriet decided to tell me, her chemistry teacher, all about it. I noticed some interesting parallels between her story and chemical reaction rates, which happened to be what she was studying in the hallway the day of the collision. Together, we decided to set out on two missions. Harriet wanted to help all chemistry students and chemists remember how to speed up the rate of chemical reactions and I, being the nice guy that I am, decided to make it my mission to help create educational environments in which more book-dropping collisions can take place to increase future chemists' chances of getting a date for the dance. In order to facilitate this improved dance-date-getting process, I propose five changes to all schools that parallel Harriet's five ways to increase chemical reaction rates. First, I propose that we shrink the size of the hallways. This will make it more difficult to safely navigate the hallways and will cause more collisions than in larger hallways. And by increasing the number of collisions, we increase the likelihood that some of those collisions will have the correct alignment and enough energy to create a date to the dance. Now, chemically speaking, this is equivalent to lowering the volume of a reaction vessel or a reaction mixture. In doing so, the individual particles are closer together, and more collisions will occur. More collisions means a greater likelihood that collisions with the appropriate energy and configuration will happen. Second, I propose increasing the overall population of the school. More students equals more collisions. By increasing the number of particles available for collision, we create an environment where more collisions can take place. Third, we must reduce the time allowed between classes — heck, let's just cut it in half. In doing so, students will need to move more quickly to get from one class to the next. This increase in velocity will help make sure collisions have the appropriate amount of energy necessary to ensure book-dropping. This is analogous to increasing the temperature of the reaction mixture. Higher temperature means particles are moving faster. Faster-moving particles means more energy, and a greater likelihood of the reaction-causing collision. Fourth, students must stop traveling in packs. By traveling in packs, the students on the outside of the pack insulate those in the middle from undergoing any collisions. By splitting up, each student has more area exposed that is available for a collision from a passing student. When particles travel in packs, the surface area is very small, and only the outside particles can collide. However, by breaking up the clumps into individual particles, the total surface area is increased, and each particle has an exposed surface that can react. Fifth and finally, we hire a matchmaker. Is this colliding and book-dropping too violent? Is there an easier way to get a date that requires less initial energy? Then a matchmaker will help with this. The matchmaker makes it easier for a couple to get together, by coordinating the match. Our matchmaker is like a catalyst. Chemical catalysts function by lowering the activation energy — in other words, by lowering the energy required to start a reaction. They do this by bringing two particles together and orienting them correctly in space so that the two can meet at the correct configuration and allow a reaction to take place. So, to sum up: if a future chemist wants a date for the dance, he must collide with another person and knock the books out of their hands. And if a chemist wants to make a chemical reaction occur, the particles must collide in the correct orientation with an appropriate amount of energy. And both of these processes can be accelerated, using the five methods I've described.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
chemical reaction 4
correct orientation 2
reaction mixture 2
greater likelihood 2
surface area 2

Important Words

  1. accelerated
  2. activation
  3. alignment
  4. allowed
  5. amount
  6. analogous
  7. area
  8. aware
  9. belongings
  10. books
  11. breaking
  12. bringing
  13. catalyst
  14. catalysts
  15. chances
  16. chemical
  17. chemically
  18. chemist
  19. chemistry
  20. chemists
  21. class
  22. classes
  23. closer
  24. clumps
  25. collide
  26. colliding
  27. collision
  28. collisions
  29. configuration
  30. coordinating
  31. corner
  32. correct
  33. correctly
  34. couple
  35. create
  36. cut
  37. dance
  38. date
  39. dates
  40. day
  41. days
  42. decided
  43. difficult
  44. disposal
  45. easier
  46. educational
  47. energy
  48. ensure
  49. environment
  50. environments
  51. equals
  52. equivalent
  53. exposed
  54. facilitate
  55. faster
  56. finally
  57. fourth
  58. function
  59. future
  60. greater
  61. guess
  62. guy
  63. hallway
  64. hallways
  65. hand
  66. hands
  67. happen
  68. happened
  69. harold
  70. harriet
  71. heck
  72. helped
  73. high
  74. higher
  75. hire
  76. important
  77. improved
  78. incident
  79. increase
  80. increased
  81. increasing
  82. individual
  83. initial
  84. insulate
  85. interesting
  86. key
  87. kindly
  88. knock
  89. knocked
  90. larger
  91. late
  92. lead
  93. likelihood
  94. lost
  95. lowering
  96. match
  97. matchmaker
  98. means
  99. meet
  100. methods
  101. middle
  102. mission
  103. missions
  104. mixture
  105. move
  106. moving
  107. navigate
  108. nice
  109. noticed
  110. number
  111. occur
  112. offered
  113. order
  114. orientation
  115. orienting
  116. pack
  117. packs
  118. parallel
  119. parallels
  120. particle
  121. particles
  122. passing
  123. person
  124. place
  125. politely
  126. population
  127. process
  128. processes
  129. propose
  130. quickly
  131. ran
  132. rate
  133. rates
  134. react
  135. reaction
  136. reactions
  137. reduce
  138. remember
  139. required
  140. requires
  141. running
  142. safely
  143. school
  144. schools
  145. set
  146. shortly
  147. shrink
  148. size
  149. small
  150. space
  151. speaking
  152. speed
  153. splitting
  154. sprinted
  155. squarely
  156. start
  157. stop
  158. story
  159. student
  160. students
  161. studying
  162. sum
  163. surface
  164. teacher
  165. temperature
  166. thankfully
  167. thinks
  168. time
  169. total
  170. track
  171. travel
  172. traveling
  173. unbeknownst
  174. undergoing
  175. velocity
  176. vessel
  177. violent
  178. volume
  179. walk
  180. wanted
  181. ways
  182. words
  183. year
  184. yup